Monday, May 5, 2014

happy monday! [week 4]

To keep up with my full #100happydays progress, go here.
I will admit that being on night shift does make this challenge a bit harder. Sometimes running on 4 hours of sleep for 3 days in a row clouds your ability to find anything enjoyable, especially the "little things" that this project thrives on. But, I suppose that's the beauty of the whole thing -- it makes me come out of my cave of sleep-deprived pouting and focus on the things I really am (or should be) grateful for.

So, without futher ado...
Day 21 - watching the MAVS (we lost...) in game 5 with the rooms.
 Day 22 - reading books recently procured from a trip to the library in the 
comfort and beauty of my own backyard. Loving this lingering Spring weather!
Day 23 - moving from book to book to book much like I did in college but
haven't done since. Sometimes it's nice to just read and shut technology off.
Day 24 - my plants came in from UF Seeds! I ordered these in January
and have been eagerly awaiting their arrival. I'm potting them today!
Day 25 - I treated myself on my last night shift of 3 in a row. I can't wait to
make pitchers of Passion Tea Lemonade for myself at home this summer!
Day 26 - Peter and I had a hot date at Stampede 66 on Saturday night!
My treat because I lost a contest we were holding, hah! But he treated me
to this prickly pear juice, candied jalapeno, lime foam margarita. Yum!
Day 27 - It's definitely a happy day when it's one spent poolside with
good friends, fresh margaritas, and sweet pups who live for lap cuddles.

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