Thursday, July 31, 2014

things i love, lately - july 2014.

What an excellent month July has been! The weather has been practically perfect by Texas standards and so many other happy things happened!
Take a look at all the things that have made me appreciate life this month.
I adore cherry season. Purple fingers and lips.
These sweet friends that I've known since 4th grade (!!!) and how we still make an effort to catch up with one another.
 This city I call home and all it's beauty and adventure.
Bishop Arts on the left - swoon - and driving home from work on the right with excellent sun company.
That I have a man willing to go antiquing with me. My excuse? It's for the wedding!
Candid photos at crowded pools.
 An excellent new cookie recipe that yields 4 cookies as big as your palm.
And a quick snow cone date with my dad from the only place you should be getting your snow cones.
This gorgeous sunset that I was treated to every night this past week. There will be a CA post later this week!

I'm ready for fall now! Who's with me?